Monday, March 14, 2011

General Information About Shanghai

Shanghai as one of the biggest city of China has over 2.5 million of auto mobilities resisted in the city. There are 1.01 million of cars are personal auto, which mean every five families owns a car. However, there are still a lot of people resisted their car in some other cities and used in Shanghai. 
Do you know how crowd will Shanghai be with this big amount of cars?
First of all, let's have a look some pictures.
 These pictures are in downtown Shanghai last Friday afternoon. This was not even in rush hours. 
A city with 7,037.50 square kilometers in total, which also includes 697 square kilometers water area. The real urban size of Shanghai is only 2,648.6 square kilometers.
Here is some other information that I got. Toronto is 632 square kilometers but with only 4.3 million of people. The great Toronto is about 1600 square kilometers with 3.89 million of people.  
We can see that the size of these two cities are similar. However, there are 19.91 million of people live in Shanghai with a citizenship of Shanghai, which is almost six times of Toronto's population.
According to this numbers, you will see how many opportunities this City should offer to its citizens.
Lots of people ask me about houses in Shanghai so I will find out some information about houses in Shanghai next time.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Better Date a Shanghai Boy Before You Get Married

He is a Real Shanghai Man
You always meet different kind of man of the world.
 Who do you think is the best one?
Here is a kind of man you have to date before you get married!
A man who holds your hand whenever you guys walk together;
A man who always walks in the outside of the side-walk;
A man who cooks for you when you go home after work;
A man who does your laundrying when he sees you are tired;
A man who does the dishes for you when you need a relax after work;
A man who does the grocery shopping for you;
A man who always respect you;
A man who never argues with you but communicate with you anytime he feels bad about you;
 A man who is willing to spend all his money on you but being mean to other people;
These are the things that a real Shanghai man does for his wife for his whole life.
You might feel not as good as I did, but compare to other men from China they are the perfect husband for a girl.
You know some men they trade you as their slave after marriage;
They order you do all the house works;
They order you obey all what they said;
They never let you go outside because they think that you will use their money;
They never allow you talk in a high voice at home;
They always stand on the top of your head control you doing everything;
They usually hit you twice a week.
So be careful when you start dating someone.
Best wishes to all the girls.